Workshop on Grant Writing


We are organizing an online workshop on ‘Grant Writing’ which will be conducted jointly by IIHMR Delhi and Imperial College London funded by NIHR RIGHT (Research and Innovation for Global Health Transformation) Grant via the PREVENT (Prevention of Epilepsy by reducing Neonatal Encephalopathy) Study. The online workshop will equip the participants to navigate the complex paths in the grant application process in their academic careers.

Dates: 19th to 22nd April 2022: 1.30 to 5.30 pm IST / 9:00 am to 1:00 pm BST

The course is free for all to attend. Certificate can be obtained by online payment (INR 2000 + 18% GST for Indian Participants / USD 50 + 18% GST for International Participants)

To register your interest, kindly visit:

Please feel free to write to us at:


Qualitative Research Methods and Qualitative Data Analysis : An Introductory Workshop


We are organizing an online introductory workshop on ‘Qualitative Research Methods and Qualitative Data Analysis’ which will be conducted jointly by IIHMR Delhi, Imperial College London and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine funded by NIHR, UK. The main objective of this online workshop is to equip the participants with the required knowledge and skills to design, conduct, analyze and interpret qualitative research in the health field with the larger aim of building the foundation for more advanced learnings in this area.

Dates: 27 September – 1 October 2021 : 1.30 to 5.30 pm IST / 9:00 am to 1:00 pm BST

The course is free for all to attend. Certificate can be obtained by online payment of INR 2000 after successfully completing the workshop. Visit the website for more details:

Registration form is available at:

Please feel free to call us or write to us at:

📞 +91-9312096282
